Price: $16

Seller: Jon
State: Idaho
City: Driggs
Zip code: 83422
Type: Garden & House

Liquid Fish Hydrolysate is an organic fertilizer made from fresh fish by a unique cold process that protects the vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and growth hormones and oils. It also contains all the micro and macro nutrients naturally found in fish. The nitrogen and other nutrients are chelated, so they are readily available for plants consumption. Unlike fish emulsions, fish hydrolysate retains the fish proteins and natural oils and is an all organic, highly nutritional protein fertilizer, made by utilizing naturally occurring enzymes present in fish. Daily USPS Priority shipping - $10.50 per gallon.We guarantee our proven quality products that are delivered in bulk quantities and we repackage in smaller containers with simple labeling, allowing us to provide quality products with bulk pricing.
Shake well before using. Prepare for one application only. Do not store diluted fertilizer.
House plants: 1 tablespoon per gallon of water. Feed every 2-3 weeks. Do not over water.
Outdoor plants: 1/8 Cup (1 fl. Oz.- 1:128) per gallon of water. Feed vegetables, flowers, trees an shrubs every 2-3 weeks. Apply until soil is saturated or as a foliage feed until leaves are wet,
top & bottom. It is best to foliage feed early or late in the day.
Tea enhancer: ΒΌ Cup (2fl. Oz.) per 5 gallons of tea.